Concerning my previous post about the cover-art of the new Franz Ferdinand album, I have discovered an interview from 2002 on the web with Shepard Fairey, the creator of the very similiar cover of the before mentioned compilation. During this interview with the art magazine Tastes Like Chicken (Vol. 4 Issue 8) he explains his understanding of art and how he got to that cover:
v: I remember when I got the Plea for Peace compilation-- that image on there, I couldn't place it. But I remembered seeing it in my History of Graphic Design class. I remember thinking, "That's an appropriation. It's gotta be an homage to-- "
S: It's an old Russian poster for the state-owned drug store. What I do with a lot of stuff is I don't try and reinvent the wheel. If there's something great out there that can be used to communicate something I want to communicate, and it can be reinterpreted, I just use it. I don't try and disguise it. I just remix it.
(Click here to read the whole interview.)